Thursday, February 7, 2013

Thrive on the Vibe Thursday

As I was rinsing away the evidence of a good night sleep, I looked out my bathroom window, as I do every morning, to see who else was stirring.  In between the trees by the canal, I caught the white tail end of a mule deer crossing through properties.  Then another, and another.

This is their path in the mornings; I see them often.

Shortly after, I was out feeding and I heard a sound.  It wasn't a crack of a branch or a bang of sorts.  Really, I cannot recall very well or describe very well what it was.  But I looked up.  And there he was, a medium sized buck with only one antler looking straight at me.  I'm not convinced he didn't call me.  Just as I know their travel through here, he must know who I am.

Instead of standing frozen still as deer often do, or jumping off in flight, he moved his head in acknowledgement as I greeted him "Good morning, angel!"  There was very much an interaction between us.  I loved it!

After we were certain we understood each other, he put his head down and casually started off over the rocks of the canal.  I called out after him, "Thank you!"

The sun is now setting and I'm still thriving on that vibe.

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