Friday, March 22, 2013

Healing Blessings

Archangel Raphael

There are a few people in my circle that could benefit very much from healing energy being sent to them.  In your prayers, meditations, talks to the universe, to your God, in your Reiki, your healing practice, I ask you to include them today.
**My sister Sharon is recovering from a heart procedure.
**Dear Carie is confronting tumors that have begun to grow again.
**Glory is doing her best to manage a variety of health issues while doing what she can to save her house.
**Devon, a young boy who was life flighted to Boston a couple of days ago is battling sepsis.
**The husband of one of my friends is receiving chemo and she is loyal to his care.
When healing energy and prayers are sent out into the universe and up to the heavens, major shifts occur.   When we send healing blessings to others, we too heal as we are reminded of our connection to each other.
Thank you for including them in your embrace of good health of mind, body and spirit.
Archangel Raphael ~
 Raphael's name means 'God heals' or 'God has healed' based upon the Hebrew word, Rapha, which means 'doctor' or 'healer' Raphael is a powerful healer of physical bodies, both for humans and animals. Defender of the Element of Air and of the East. He is the Angel of Love, Joy and Laughter, custodian of the Tree of Life and of Healing Powers. He helps you heal your mind, thoughts, body, and soul. Those suffering from addicitions would benefit asking Archangel Raphael for assistance. Patron Angel of all those in the field of Medicine

Thursday, March 14, 2013

A Glass of Prune Juice Please

Without consciously realizing it, a change of perspective is in order for today. 

When we have something of weight running around in our brain, we often lose sight of the information we can gather if we sat back and let the thought run its course but without haltering it.  Our fight or flight  mode kicks in and our greatest defense, being still, gets trampled.

As I was sitting at my table at the base of this cherished mountain view, I tipped my juice glass all the way up to get the last drops of my unsweetened prune juice.  Aha!  Just as the Ace of Swords card in the spot of my unconscious symbolized, Aha! 

Through the bottom of my glass I could still look out over my deck, above the trees and to the mountains, but with a completely different point of view.  The landscape may be the same, but how I view it, how I think about it, how I'll proceed is all a matter of perspective.

Monday, March 11, 2013

New Moon Monday

What I love about the moon is that every month we have the opportunity to begin again.  So, here we are at the new moon.  The energy is ripe for setting your intentions, planting the seeds, beginning the pattern of what we would like to manifest in our lives.

It's no accident that today also begins Day 1 of the 21 Day Chopra Meditation Challenge (although I do wish they'd change that name or explain it to me so I understand better why it's a challenge.)

For those who say things like, "It's that way." Or, "I'm like this." I ask you, why can't it be another way?  If what you do, or are, or say, is not serving your highest good, change it.  If it can be one way, it certainly can be another.  The beauty is, you get to choose.

So with this new moon energy, I invite you to look at what shifts you would like to make and go ahead and make them.  Set your intention, verbally, in your heart, your mind, in written word, in whatever way has the most impact for you.  Repeat your intention as we move through this cycle and believe.

I'll see you at the full moon!

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Good Wishes

My day was so full of ranch productivity--it felt great!  I have another couple of hours of stamina to conquer more, but the alarm tomorrow morning will chime regardless of how much sleep I have had.  Despite waking up this morning at 6am to discover a broken water pipe, I have had this outpouring of drive.

I felt light.  I felt peace.  I felt space and freedom.

When I stop and look at events, thoughts and vibes leading up to something, I cannot help but acknowledge that that is exactly what was happening: leading.  So I follow willingly.

This evening a conversation took place that will have a very significant impact on me.  It will present major challenges, a curveball or two, and considerable adjustments.

Here's the thing.  Rather than feeling stressed about the potential for weighty struggles, I still feel all those things I felt this morning and throughout the day.  Rather than feeling helpless and overwhelmed, I feel fresh and empowered.

The Sound of Music is one of my all time favorite movies and I do have to steal a line that "The Reverend Mother used to say, 'When one door closes a window opens.'" (I've seen that movie countless times yet I can't be sure I quoted it correctly!)

I have faith in my abilities.  I am confident.  I am resourceful and creative.

While those statements are true, I call upon my friends and family to help me focus these qualities to forge ahead, clearing the next steps on my path.  I ask you to gift me good wishes in your thoughts, prayers, dreams and meditations.

Sometimes my independence takes the lead.  This time, I'm inviting my vulnerabilities to show up and allowing my heart to be open to all positive energy coming my way.

Peace.  Light. Love. Thank you.