Sunday, March 3, 2013

Good Wishes

My day was so full of ranch productivity--it felt great!  I have another couple of hours of stamina to conquer more, but the alarm tomorrow morning will chime regardless of how much sleep I have had.  Despite waking up this morning at 6am to discover a broken water pipe, I have had this outpouring of drive.

I felt light.  I felt peace.  I felt space and freedom.

When I stop and look at events, thoughts and vibes leading up to something, I cannot help but acknowledge that that is exactly what was happening: leading.  So I follow willingly.

This evening a conversation took place that will have a very significant impact on me.  It will present major challenges, a curveball or two, and considerable adjustments.

Here's the thing.  Rather than feeling stressed about the potential for weighty struggles, I still feel all those things I felt this morning and throughout the day.  Rather than feeling helpless and overwhelmed, I feel fresh and empowered.

The Sound of Music is one of my all time favorite movies and I do have to steal a line that "The Reverend Mother used to say, 'When one door closes a window opens.'" (I've seen that movie countless times yet I can't be sure I quoted it correctly!)

I have faith in my abilities.  I am confident.  I am resourceful and creative.

While those statements are true, I call upon my friends and family to help me focus these qualities to forge ahead, clearing the next steps on my path.  I ask you to gift me good wishes in your thoughts, prayers, dreams and meditations.

Sometimes my independence takes the lead.  This time, I'm inviting my vulnerabilities to show up and allowing my heart to be open to all positive energy coming my way.

Peace.  Light. Love. Thank you.


  1. As the saying goes, "into every life a little rain must fall." You know I have been a constant supporter of you and all you do and attempt to do. I know you are a very resourceful person. You are also logical and intuitive. Whatever roads or roadblocks you are encountering, you will preserver. You always have the option of delineating the pros and cons and this seems to put things into order and shows the correct road to take. Listen to your inner self and know that it is that voice which will guide you to your right path.

    My phone lines are always open if you need to talk. I'm still pretty house bound till the pain of the knee replacement gets settled a bit more.

    You will know the right choice when it shows itself and you will listen to your inner self to show the way.

    Much love to a very special lady in my life. The original aunt.

  2. Thank you for such a thoughtful message. Your kind words and encouragement are invaluable.
