Monday, March 11, 2013

New Moon Monday

What I love about the moon is that every month we have the opportunity to begin again.  So, here we are at the new moon.  The energy is ripe for setting your intentions, planting the seeds, beginning the pattern of what we would like to manifest in our lives.

It's no accident that today also begins Day 1 of the 21 Day Chopra Meditation Challenge (although I do wish they'd change that name or explain it to me so I understand better why it's a challenge.)

For those who say things like, "It's that way." Or, "I'm like this." I ask you, why can't it be another way?  If what you do, or are, or say, is not serving your highest good, change it.  If it can be one way, it certainly can be another.  The beauty is, you get to choose.

So with this new moon energy, I invite you to look at what shifts you would like to make and go ahead and make them.  Set your intention, verbally, in your heart, your mind, in written word, in whatever way has the most impact for you.  Repeat your intention as we move through this cycle and believe.

I'll see you at the full moon!

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