Wednesday, October 29, 2014

How I Love Thee

Where does one begin to count the ways?  I simply adore my friend, Alibi.  I love him from the deepest recesses of my heart.  Why?  What is it about an animal that would make me feel this way?  His soul is so pure and his intentions so honest, to break it down into human constructed numbers would belittle his magnitude.

Tonight, Alibi's favorite farrier, Randy, was here to clean up his hooves.  While Randy trimmed, picked and finished up with the rasp, I brushed out Alibi's wind knotted mane.  The three of us have great conversations every eight weeks.  Alibi always turns around and gives Randy's hat a tug or nudges his back in the gentlest of ways just to let him know he appreciates the care with which Randy works.  And then Alibi and I cuddle, stare into each other's eyes, breathe into each other's noses.  It's such a harmonious and calm half hour.

It was dark by the time Randy got here this evening so we worked under the light at the barn.  Alibi was alert to the night movements out yonder, Faramir and Hy Note were at the fence, not only keeping us company but prepared to take any cue from their alpha. The goodles were bedded down chewing their cud not far from the herd, the hens closed in for the night and the dogs in their kennel until I'd have time to pick up the hoof trimmings.  Quiet.  Peaceful. Safe.

As Alibi and I were heading back to the paddock, we stopped so I could hear what Randy was saying and Alibi could stare off into what seemed like the black abyss to me.  I said to Alibi, "how about a thank you to Randy?"  Around he bends his neck, deep eyes wide open, nostrils large and relaxed, and he's looking at Randy who is packing his truck, not for second taking his eyes off of him.  I said, "Randy, Alibi says thank you."  Randy turned around, saw and felt the gratitude being extended to him and came right back over to give his thanks as well.  Then went back to the truck to get a cookie.

For another moment we shared a few things about Alibi that we mutually admire and respect.  It doesn't take confirmation from someone else to let me know how special this horse is, but when it comes from someone who can recognize and appreciate the most subtle of unique qualities, I am again honored and humbled to have this precious being in my life every day.

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