Wednesday, September 17, 2014

No Ripley's Required

When I walked into my yoga room this morning, I immediately felt a draw to my animal spirit guides oracle card deck.  It was duly noted.

Before I begin any yoga practice, I sit quiet, and set an intention for the day.  When I opened my eyes, these two very big ears and two very dark eyes were outside my window.  I approached slowly as I have been waiting for the deer to arrive and I didn't want to scare her off.  It was a fawn with a few spots remaining on her coat.  And then I saw momma.  For the few minutes that they browsed my yard, knowing they were safe there, I watched, soaking in their calm energy for once they leapt over my fence back into the unpredictable, that would change.

Deep, slow breath in of gratitude for a connection with animals.  Long, slow breath out of unnecessary concern for the day.

It was a hip opener series today.  Our emotions, in particular old memories, are stored in our hips.  I do my best to include a hip opener series every week, allowing space for what is ready to be released.

After mediation and prayer, at my table I drew a card from the Messages From Your Animal Spirit Guides Oracle Cards deck.  It was the Humpback Whale reminding me to find healing and promote my well being through music, singing, or instruments.  When I turned my radio from NPR to 70s on 7 last night on my drive home, it was a conscious choice to move from talk to music.  I guess I was on the right path.

As I drove out this morning, I was caught off guard by the sight of a peacock on the berm on the side of the road!  A peacock?  It was a male, a striking blue and emerald green against dust brown and sage gray.

"In history, myth, legend and lore, the Peacock symbolism carries portents of: Nobility, Holiness, Guidance, Protection and Watchfulness.
Contemplate the powers of the Peacock when you need more vibrancy and vitality in your experience. The Peacock can also help you on your spiritual Path, and breathe new life into your walk of faith."

And when I came home later in the day, there was the most unusual and melodic bird song coming from the Juniper trees.  She was singing to me.

Referring to something else, and with  the slightest tone of sarcasm, my father asked me during our telephone chat this morning, "Did your cards tell you that?"  Yes, dad.  They tell me many things.

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