Thursday, January 1, 2015

A Domino Effect

Here we are on January 1 of a new year, a day that can mean so many different things to so many different people.  Despite how much media, fear, and those other negative words can find incessant ways to separate the us and them, there is a night when pretty much all of us around the globe are doing the same thing.  It starts in the island nation of Kiribati and then as the hours move forward so does the domino effect of celebration, one nation touching off the joy of another all the way until American Samoa blows their last midnight horn. We are connected.  We are more alike than different. If I close my eyes and imagine that happening, it makes me want to show up for the day.

Setting resolutions for the new year has never been my thing.  If there is something I believe I need to stop doing, or start doing, waiting for the calendar pages to turn is too risky.  It's likely I will have changed my mind by then.

But there is something infectious about the day.

Rabbit. Rabbit.

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