Monday, September 1, 2014

Detox and Destress and Set the New Course


It's been a manic three months.  Today, the first of September, under a waxing moon, in a house just cleaned by someone else, having drawn the card New Beginnings, I summoned up an old recipe of mine.  When followed, allowing for slight modifications to suit personal taste, this recipe is effective in detoxifying the body of stagnant energy, negativity, and unproductive holding thus making space for the new.

1 Soaking tub filled with just about hot water
A lot of sea salt
Enough Aveeno Stress Relief Foaming Bath Gel Lavendar, Chamomile and Ylang Ylang
1 lit kabbala Evil Eye candle
Bhudda Bar on the iPod
1 soft lit lamp
1 bathroom door closed
1 bath pillow
1 bottle of water

Light the 4th ingredient just before preparing the first three ingredients by blending together.  While the tub is warming, turn on the lamp and turn off the overhead light.  Place the last two ingredients on the side of the tub.  Once the soaking tub is filled to perfection, close the door and press play.  Submerge.  Soak.  Sweat.  Give thanks for the lessons learned, the teachers sent, and the opportunities in wait.  Smile.

Repeat as often as necessary.