Friday, November 8, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

They say that what you don't like in another is a reflection of what you don't like in yourself.  That concept has always eluded me.  I could sort of get it, but not fully grasp it.

This morning I whacked the back of my hand on the corner of the counter and it hurt.  As I thought to myself, "wow, I need to slow down and pay closer attention", I recognized that I took responsibility for whacking my hand.  It wasn't the "stupid counter" and it wasn't because of the dog who was nearby that I moved too closely to the edge.  No, I did it.  Done.

In just that moment, I laughed out loud!  The clarity of the lessons is getting stronger and stronger.  It was because I lived with someone for many years who would do the same thing but the reaction would be a full on rant including countless profanities.  And it would linger for another 10 minutes, "g-dammit, f*&#n this and that, sh*!" and I would listen and sit with my jaw open.  "How could something like hitting your hand on the counter cause such an incredible rage?"  Really?

Back then, that's when I realized I would do the same thing.  Not that demonstrative or violent but it was the counter's fault for sure.  It took the exaggerated expression of another to show me my own actions.

So, this morning when I laughed, I gave thanks to the Universe.  As difficult and unpleasant many of those experiences were, they were what I needed to move another step ahead in releasing my own demons.

Mirror, Mirror, you are the fairest of all.

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