Friday, May 3, 2013

What If...

What If... is not a phrase I use often.  I'm more of a it is or it isn't kind of gal.  It will be or won't be, as you wish.  I suppose I use it when teaching to encourage someone to think about something differently.  Lately, I've been finding myself pondering a lot of What If... scenarios.

What If those conveniently located fast food restaurants were replaced by farmer's markets.  Would kids crave strawberries more than french fries?  Would families tend to eat from plates rather than boxes and wrappers?  Would the shocking obesity rate in the US plummet?

What If bumper stickers that read "I drive this way to piss you off" were replaced with "Wag More. Bark Less."  Would people experience more laughter in their day?  Would aggression on the roads diminish?  Would people's anger be appropriately directed and addressed?

What If there were no guns.  There was a time without them.  Would hunters take the time to learn the craft of bow and arrow?  Would disagreements be resolved with words?  Would living peacefully hit the headline news?

What If meat ranchers all had a touch of autism.  Would the treatment of animals for food be more compassionate?  Would the meat have genuine flavor because the animals are not sick, stressed and medicated?  Would humans consume less additives that aren't natural to their diet because they will no longer be needed?

What If those who are most vocal about having their religious freedoms threatened treat everyone else the way they say they would like to be treated.  Would insults and slurs go by the wayside?  Would a young boy named Aalam, whose name means World, have no self-esteem issues because of the way a boy named Adam treated him?

What If everyone sat in meditation or prayer for ten minutes every day.  Would people's health improve as their stress level noticeably decreased?  Would kindness be the first reaction?  Would people find greater happiness in life because they take time to look within for happiness, for their own truth?

What If people educated themselves properly before making a statement about a global issue.  Would there be less fear among the masses?  Would they have to confront their own demons before demonizing others?  Would progress be made because dialogue was based on facts not on regurgitated untruths?

What If people were more aware about global issues?  Would the 3.3 billion women on this planet have the same rights as men?  Would there be as much outrage over the rape of women in the "Democratic" Republic of Congo or Sudan as there is over background checks for gun purchases? Would people learn that every action is just one link in the unbroken global chain?

What If everyone traveled to a foreign country at least once in their life, not including resort towns in Mexico or Canada.  Would there be more patience for those having difficulty speaking the English language?  Would people realize there are many ideas of freedom?

What If everyone unplugged for one day.  After you read my blog.

What If.... This could be a very useful phrase after all.

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