Saturday, December 28, 2013


Taking a moment to reflect on my morning activities, I realized that I had cleaned the hen house of their abundant output, poop scooped the dry lot of 30 or so piles left behind by the horses, raked out the goat corral of scattered pellets, picked up the dog droppings in the dog yard and followed all of that up with cleaning my bird's cage.

It seems to me that I spend a notable amount of time cleaning up crap.  It got me thinking.

There is the obvious factor which is if you have animals, manure, pellets, mounds and droppings management is a significant consideration.  Then it resonated a step further.  It is symbolic of the past year and a half of my life.

I have been moving away from relationships that no longer speak to my soul.  I have been eliminating negative thought patterns that are non-productive and absolute fiction.  I have removed meat from my diet which I never really loved and the consumption of which goes against my heart song of all beings are equal.  I have been slowly ridding myself of belongings that create a feeling of heaviness rather than usefulness.

I have been cleaning out the crap!

We are still in the year of the snake, a year of great transition, shedding layers, releasing with grace what does not serve my highest good.  I am making way for what is to come next for me.  With a lot of that crap out from in front of the door, I stand here with arms wide open.