Wednesday, October 12, 2011

The Eagle Has Landed and Just Took Off Again

It was nine days ago that my parents arrived in Bend.  How is it that they have left already?  These days flew by.

Often I am told, "you're lucky" when I mention spending time with my parents.  Many people I know no longer have one or both of their parents.  I don't know if it's luck; maybe they really want to say "fortunate" or "blessed" or "charmed."  Or maybe lucky.

Whatever it is, I am grateful to have both of my parents alive and well enough to travel to the west coast and spend time at the ranch getting to know--and getting lots of love from-- my animals.  I so enjoyed sharing my ranch and dance life with them.

It is with all of my heart that I hope they can return for another visit.  Maybe I'll be lucky enough for them to stay even longer.

Safe travels my eagles.

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