Thursday, March 17, 2011

What is the Fine?

As you may recall, we have a rather healthy wild Mallard population taking residence at our irrigation pond--strike that--duck pond. All but about 4 fly off each evening but they are back here bright and early the following day.

Yesterday I was walking the perimeter of the pond and came across a duck egg! Our first duck egg. And I had no idea from which duck it came. I picked it up and brought it in.

Not quite knowing what to do with a duck egg, I started my internet research on duck eggs (I sure do miss pulling out a hard-bound encyclopedia, but I think this time, the internet may have served me well.)

First, the blue green egg is from the Mallards. A wild Mallard? Or our domestic Mallard, Mallory? They lay their eggs in ground nests, which in our case is a burrowed hole. This is impressive as ducks have webbed feet, not talons like a chicken or claws like a cat or dog.

Then this morning I found another egg. I wasn't sure if I just overlooked it last night or if it was from this morning.

After scooping horse poop for 2 hours, I came in to eat and I continued my internet reading.

Second, in the UK it is illegal to cull wild Mallard eggs. Gulp. What about Oregon?

Third, the shells of duck eggs are thinner than chicken eggs so the eggs tend to be flavored with the surroundings and possibly with the diet of the layer. So would that make these duck eggs sweet grass flavored? Hen crack flavored? Or with the taste of whatever more the duck eats when not eating at my pond?

Fourth, they say that because the shell is thinner, the risk of salmonella is present. So wash that egg nice and good!

Fifth, most research talks about incubating the eggs. Yes, duck eggs are fine to eat it seems, but incubating seems to be very popular.

Sixth, a clutch of Mallard eggs is 8-12 eggs and they lay one brood a year. Have I just reduced that number to 6-10?! Incubation is 24 - 28 days.

Seventh, our other domestic ducks, Blue Swedish, lay white eggs. I now am sure the eggs I collected are not from Fletcher or Max--well because they are drakes-- nor from Tuxedo Tina, aka Tuxey, Diana, nor Sophia.

Now I am in a pickle. What do I do with the two eggs I culled from the pond? Do we add them to our chicken eggs and eat them? I think I'm too late to incubate them. I can't really return them to the pond, can I?

And do I leave any new eggs that are laid? What about predators that eat duck eggs, such as cats (with the good quality feed these feral kitties get, I hope they wouldn't go after the duck eggs,) raccoons, dogs (they'd be in big trouble with momma,) birds of prey, fox, coyote, etc. We have these critters around.

I've been working on getting Larry to build a proper duck laying house that sits out over the pond. This would help protect them from predators, but can the ducks dig a nest inside a house?

I guess I have to let nature take care of itself on this one. Upon further research, I have discovered that I am in violation and would be in further violation of federal law if I intervene.

Shhhhhhh, please don't tell.

Check out this website:

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