Sunday, July 11, 2010

Under the Orange Glow of Mars

We had a busy day around the ranch today working to get the guest house ready for Laurie and her family coming up in 2 weeks. A hot day, so inside projects were the name of the game.

At about 8pm we sat out on the porch with Tim and Tanya for a BBQ dinner. It is so pleasant on that porch; everyone who sits there says so. Despite the pull to just sit and chat, we all had our evening chores to get to before losing light.

Cowboy Tim, Tanya and Larry headed over to the neighboring ranch and I stayed to feed the horses. What was that?!

I heard this high-pitched yelping and some intense horse sounds which I'm not sure I can describe. I figured it was Sage, the Boarder Collie, doing her herding of one of the horses on that end.

I cut my chores short as the sky was quickly darkening and Bodie and I high-tailed it over to see what was going on.

One of Cowboy Tim's many talents is breaking, or starting, horses. Check him out at

Tonight he was working with a wild Mustang mare from the Warm Springs Reservation. Equine Outreach, a local horse rescue facility, acquired several Mustangs and their trainers have no idea what to do with them. Cowboy Tim volunteered to take two of the Mustangs and start them.

This was the first time this horse had a lasso around her and has been in close proximity to people. We stood and watched as Cowboy Tim took a frightened, wild horse and brought her to the point of giving in to a pull on the lasso and to making eye contact. These are very big steps.

The night was mild, the dark sky full of summer constellations and Mars was glowing bright. Larry, Bodie and I stood on the outside of a wooden corral and watched the master at work. Sage ran circles around the corral doing her job to be sure the horse stayed where she last left it.

Cowboy Tim took the win and let the Mustang mare find safety with the other mare. Tomorrow he'll pick up where he left off with the next goal of getting a halter on the mare and working her with a lead rope.

This is an exhibition I don't want to miss!

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