Thursday, May 28, 2009

What a Glorious Day

It's just a beautiful day. I can't get over it. I can't help but want to write about it.

Sun, blue sky, snow-covered mountains, water spraying over all the greening pastures, fresh fresh air, loyal dogs keeping me company, horse whinnies, smell of horses--the good stuff, an impressive variety of birds and their songs, birds flying through the irrigation sprayers and robins taking baths in the overspray. Green, Blue, White all over. It's all so pleasurable.

Working outdoors is the way to go today. My laptop battery is ready for a recharge. Time for a lunch break and a horse grooming. Not necessarily in that order.


  1. Boy are you lucky. We are in the June Gloom scenario. Haven't seen the sun in the past week and it doesn't look like it's going to around any time soon. The Valleys may be getting some sun but the coast is covered with a thick marine layer. Oh well, I'll get some inside work done...pho

  2. I guess June gives you the only 3-4 weeks to actually get anything done. The rest of the time you can enjoy outdoors in California and I find I never quite catch up! Today it absolutely poured, on and off for a few hours. I swear the pastures greened up tenfold since then.
